Collaborations and community.

Having worked with amazing people of the years here is a link to all the collaborators, the inspiration and the family.


Anna Rafaella Boglione founder of The Gut, fermentation expert, photographer and intrepid wanderer.

“Coming from personal challenges and journeys of self exploration, we learnt that by addressing the emotional, physical and spiritual, we address environmental and cultural health as a whole.”


George Barker, musician, long term meditation practitioner, transpersonal psychotherapist, curator and founding council member of Medicine Festival and Medicine Events.


Jagadamba Silvares De Melo, senior Yoga teacher, Doula and Baby Yoga specialist, co-founder of the De Melo Yoga Online Studio. Retreat co-host in our annual Portugal retreat..

Sivani Mata.

Sivani Mata Francis, Kirtan star and wisdom keeper for the face of the divine feminine.

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